All-Gender Restrooms

San Francisco State is committed to meeting all student’s needs, including the needs of transgender and gender nonconforming students by expanding access to all-gender restrooms on campus. It is in line with SF State’s self-stated values of social justice, equity, and inclusion to ensure that all students have full access to restrooms and other facilities consistent with their gender identities and gender expression. In collaboration, the Offices of the Dean of Students and Capital Planning, Design & Construction have successfully converted 11 single gender restrooms into all-gender, accessible restrooms across campus since November, 2016.

The University will assess the need for and feasibility of constructing additional all-gender facilities on an ongoing basis, and will continue to work with campus partners to ensure equity and inclusion for transgender and gender nonconforming students in all aspects of campus life.

A total of 30 single-occupancy, accessible all-gender restrooms are available to all campus community members, including visitors, in the locations listed below:

All-gender Restroom Location
Building Floor Room #

AS Early Childhood Center

1st 101, 128, 139
Burke Hall 1st T102
Business 1st T100
Cesar Chavez Student Center B1 B127A
Creative Arts 1st T108
Ethnic Studies & Psychology 4th T411
Fine Arts 1st & 2nd T172, T174, T255
Gymnasium 1st T100
Hensill Hall 3rd T314
Humanities 1st T133, T134
Leonard Library Ground T1
Mary Park Hall 1st T144, T145
Mary Ward Hall 1st T135, T138
Mashouf Wellness Center 1st & 2nd T100, T109, T119, T120, T202
Student Health Center 1st T2, T3, T9, T12
Thornton Hall 2nd & 5th T233, T235, T533
West Campus Green 1st

T1, T2

750 Font - Suite 5000, Health Promotions & Wellness Ground 2 facilities

For more information on the location of the Gender Restroom, checkout The All-Gender Restroom Campus Map (PDF)

New construction or a major renovation allows for the foundational construction of single-occupancy all-gender restrooms. Retrofits, or modifications to older buildings, on the other hand, pose a considerable challenge: they are limited by proximity to existing plumbing, require the availability of appropriately sized space, and can be prohibitive to construct. On the main campus, we have made almost all single-occupancy men’s or women’s rooms all-gender. Please note, due to preexisting building structure, some of the single-occupancy, all-gender restrooms will have both a single-stall toilet and a urinal.

Per California Building Code Section 11B-216.8, the university is required to use the symbol below to identify all-gender restrooms throughout campus. More detailed information about the California Building Code can be downloaded as a Draft Proposed Code Changes for the California Building Code (PDF)

We recognize that there is still progress to be made. As we move forward with the assessment of the main campus and auxiliary locations, we invite you to work alongside us as we identify future locations for all-gender restrooms. Comments, suggestions and feedback can be sent to This site will be continually updated to reflect changes and improvements.