Applies to cases where:
- Student accused of sexual misconduct
- Faces expulsion or suspension
- Witness credibility is central to the case

- Complaint Filed:
- Title IX Coordinator ("T9C") meets with Complainant explains complaint process (Formal Investigation and Early Resolution)
- T9C sends notice to Respondent and schedules meeting
- Reasonable supportive measures are provided to the Parties
- Formal Investigation:
- Investigator meets with the Complainant, Respondent, and witnesses and collects evidence through interviews and document review
- Evidence Review:
- Parties may review evidence and provide evidence and questions for witnesses
- Investigator drafts report that will be sent to Parties for review
- Hearing:
- Hearing Officer oversees live hearing where Parties can request questions be asked of each other and witnesses
- Parties may provide questions to Hearing Officer to ask each other and other witnesses
- Hearing Decision:
- If violation found, Parties may submit statements regarding sanctions
- If violation found, Hearing Officer recommends sanctions
- Campus sends decision letter to Parties with finding and sanctions, where applicable
- Appeal:
- A Party that is not satisfied with the outcome may appeal the finding and/or sanction, under limited circumstances
Early Resolution available up to Hearing Decision If Early Resolution is reached, the process ends